Saturday 29 May 2010

Nul Points!

This evening is Eurovision which means an estimated 1,341,000 Europeans will be tuning into their guilty pleasure for the night. Whilst the ‘voting’ element may be as predictable as a North Korean election, the atrocious outfits, nonsensical lyrics and occasional gem of a performance makes for a fun evening of groaning, laughing and general debate.

I shall be spending it in luxury with my best friend and her husband, who has taken it upon himself to cook us a three course feast of a dinner (I might live in the North, but I still very much support the concept of breakfast, lunch and dinner). The dessert is a Heston Blumenthal Kir Royale jelly which manages to keep the bubbles in the jelly itself. Who cares about the science part of how it all works – it sounds delicious!

So, as I clock off from work and log out from here, let’s raise a glass of fizzy yet jellified champagne to Eurovision. Yes, Cyprus will give Greece 12 points who will return the favour, the Baltic States shan’t surprise us with their point giving ménage a trois, and you’ll question when Israel became part of Europe… But you’ll also have the pleasure of marvelling at the 80s perms and mullets which are still considered fashionable in Eurovisionland, middle-aged men in skin tight sequin trousers and the inevitable torture of the live video link ups during the results section. It may be 2010, but kitsch is not dead and the Eurovision song contest is testament to that fact.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Bad Omens?

Having aspirations to give up the day job and make a living writing, blogging seems like a good place to start. So here I am, at the not-so-grand-old age of 27, making my private life public for the occasional reader who mistakenly stumbles on my blog. As I sat down to write, the heavens opened and the rain has started to pour. A bad omen perhaps, a poetic symbol of rebirth, or simply a stark reminder of the fact that it's wet up North... Only time will tell.

I suspect this blog will evolve as I do and give you an insight into my life as a single, twenty-something, lover of all things kitsch and vintage. Overheard conversations on buses, art house cinema, charity shop finds, books, baking, my job in an arts centre and my cat all shape me and will no doubt shape this blog.

I'll keep it short and sweet for tonight as I've rubbish to put out for the morning and beauty sleep to be caught up on. You see, I'm just a normal girl after all.
